UN: List of 6-week supplies to be stocked

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UN: List of 6-week supplies to be stocked

Post by Readymom »

Link to UN Staff Handbook:
http://www.undg.org/archive_docs/8599-U ... luenza.pdf
Annex A, page 12

  • •Stock bottled water or store water in plastic containers such as soft drink bottles
    A normally active person needs to drink around two litres of water each day. Plan to store 4 litres of water per person per day (2 litres for drinking and two litres for household use such as food preparation and sanitation). Water requirements will also depend on other factors such as temperature, in hot climates an individual’s water requirement may double and children, nursing mothers and those who are ill often require additional supplies.

    •You should store enough water for at least a six-week period. Water purification kits or filters are readily available and should be purchased as a back up.
  • •Store a six-week supply of non-perishable foods, you may wish to consider if you can start a vegetable garden and what you could grow yourself during the winter season, in order to supplement your provisions.
    •Select foods that require no refrigeration as electricity supplies may not be available. Consider how you will cook the food, if you need to stock up on gas bottles, for example. As clean water may be limited, choose foods that require little or no water to prepare. Foods that you may consider are:
    • ~Ready-to-eat canned meats and soups, fruits and vegetables
      ~Dry goods such as noodles (remember that you will need to allow for enough water to cook these items).
      ~Dry cereal, granola, dried fruits and crackers
      ~Canned juices
      ~Peanut butter or nuts
      ~Staples (salt, sugar, pepper, spices, etc.)
      ~High energy foods such as protein or fruit bars
      ~Food for infants – canned or jarred baby food and formula
      ~Comfort/stress foods
      ~Pet food
Other supplies
  • •soap and water or alcohol based hand wash
    •Buy extra garbage bags and cleaning supplies; viruses such as Avian Influenza are easily cleaned away with formalin and iodine-based disinfectants. For bathing soap and water is sufficient
    •Spare contact lenses
    •Denture and personal hygiene needs (tissues, toilet paper, disposable diapers)
    •Other supplies (continued)
    •Hearing aid batteries
    •Fire extinguisher (make sure you all know how to use it)
    •A clock that runs off batteries (include spare batteries)
    •Extra batteries
    •Portable radio
    •Manuel can opener
Food Storage Advice
  • •Keep food in the driest and coolest spot in the house – a dark area if possible. Make sure that it is sealed off from possible vermin
    •Keep food covered at all times
    •Open food boxes or cans carefully so that you can close them tightly after each use.
    •Wrap cookies and crackers in plastic bags, keep them in tight containers, this will stop them from going stale and prolong shelf life
    •Empty opened packages of sugar, dried fruits and nuts into screw-top jars or airtight cans to protect them from pests
    •Inspect all food containers for signs of spoilage before use
    •If you lose power, minimize waste by using the food in your fridge first, then the freezer and then finally your non-perishable items
Shelf Life of Foods for Storage
Here are some general guidelines for rotating common emergency foods.
Use within six months:
Powdered milk (boxed), dried fruit (in metal container), dry, crisp crackers (in metal container), and potatoes
Use within one year:
Canned condensed meat and vegetable soups: canned fruits, fruit juices and vegetables; ready-to-eat cereals and uncooked instant cereals (in metal containers); peanut butter, jams; hard candy, chocolate bars and canned nuts
May be stored indefinitely (in proper containers and conditions):
Wheat: vegetable oils; corn; backing powder, soybeans, instant coffee, tea, vitamin C and cocoa, salt, non-carbonated soft drinks, white rice, bouillon products, dry pasta, powdered milk (in nitrogen-packed cans)

  • •Purchase an emergency supply of petrol/diesel for your car
    •Buy extra provisions of candles, paraffin lamps, batteries, etc. as electricity supplies may not be available
    •Consider how you will prepare foods and consider non-electrical alternatives
Disposal of Wastes
•Remember that if there is movement restrictions imposed in an area, the collection of waste may not be possible. It is important that you consider alternative arrangements such as composting food wastes, worm farms, etc. If you live in a multiple storey building, ask the building manager if there are emergency plans in place to deal with not only waste disposal but also possible disruption to water and electrical supplies

Medical Kits
  • •Emergency services may be limited during a time of crisis, therefore make sure your home emergency medical kit is not out-of-date, check all supplies for expiry dates and replace any items that are out-of-date or nearing the expiration date.

    •You may wish to consider the following items:
    • ~Glucose and blood pressure monitoring kit
      ~Adhesive bandages, various sizes
      ~Sterile dressings, small and large
      ~Conforming roller gauze bandage
      ~Triangular bandages
      ~Packs of sterile gauze pads, large and small
      ~Adhesive tape, 2” width
      ~Pairs of medical grade non-latex gloves, medium and large
      ~Waterless alcohol-based hand sanitizer
      ~Anti-bacterial ointment
      ~Cold pack
      ~Scissors (small, personal)
      ~Thermometers – remember to have a spare
      ~CPR breathing barrier, such as a face shield
      ~Face masks, 3-ply simple surgical masks
      ~Pain and fever reliever – remember to include both children and adult supplies
      ~Anti-diarrhea medication
      ~Antacid (for stomach upset)
      ~Fluids with electrolytes (an oral rehydration solution (ORS))
      ~Stock up on prescription medications that you might need, for example, if one of your family members is diabetic, ensure that you have enough supplies for at least 6 weeks, or if someone has a heart condition, ask your doctor for an extra prescription so that you can have an emergency supply of all the medications your family members need.
      ~You may need extra bedding if a family member becomes sick, such as sheets, towels, plastic mattress covers, etc. Consider where you could make up a sick bay which could be isolated from the rest of the house, how would you ventilate this room? It is important that air from the room is expelled to the outside of the house and not back into the house, consider how this might be done
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