Food Item: Cabbage

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Food Item: Cabbage

Post by Readymom »

Food Item: Cabbage


Successful cold storage-Cabbage

By Sylvia Gist

(SNIP) ... Ideally, I would have a root cellar which maintained the correct temperature for the produce I would like to keep. Unfortunately, it'ss not that ideal, so I have to look for other places to store things. Fortunately, different vegetables like different temperatures, so everything doesn't have to go in the same place. Other storage options (depending upon the item) include in the ground, under a staircase, unheated rooms, outside stairwells, pits in the ground, or extra refrigerators, to name a few.


One of the greatest challenges in storing vegetables has been the cabbage. I tried a number of methods, but nothing worked until I started to grow cabbage especially bred for storage. So far my favorite is Storage #4 (available from Johnny's Seeds). It will produce a large, very solid head, which is still nice and solid the following June. ---CONTINUED---
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