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Food Item: Butter Powder

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:24 pm
by Readymom
Butter: Powdered


Spreadable Powdered Butter - FINALLY!

Image The butter powder is from Shelf Reliance. They even sell it in a small mylar bag if you want to just try it out first. That is what I bought and I put it on my bagel for breakfast this morning. For me, that is the ultimate test. If I can eat it on toast, then it will definitely be fine for everything else. It was far and away the best that I have tried so far. Definitely edible on toast, however, I did not follow the package directions when make it. Rather, I mix it like this to make spreadable butter:

1 TBLS butter powder
1 scant tsp water
1 scant tsp veggie oil
pinch of salt or sugar (depending on which you prefer)

I actually tried one piece of toast made with the salt, and one made with the sugar. The difference was very slight but I personally did prefer the sugar.

Re: Food Item: Peanut Butter

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 7:26 pm
by Readymom

Using Butter Powder: A Tutorial

Most food storage products purchased from food storage companies are pretty much the same all across the board. Foods like wheat and freeze-fried fruit are all very similar no matter what brand you choose to buy.

Other products, and dairy products in particular, are not that way so much. They vary from company to company, and since food storage companies are changing their recipes all the time, a can of something like butter powder or dried milk that you bought four years ago may bear little resemblance to a can purchased from the same company today.

The upshot of all this means that food storage products are getting better, tastier, and higher in quality all the time. The tricky part is that sometimes there is a little bit of a learning curve while you are trying to find a brand you like for a particular product, and in figuring out how to best use it. --- CONTINUED at LINK, above ---

Buttermilk Powder

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 3:27 pm
by Readymom

Powdered Buttermilk

Do you have powdered buttermilk in your prepper's pantry?
Maybe you should! It's delicious, convenient, versatile and money saving. What's more, buttermilk powder delivers a hearty serving of protein, potassium and riboflavin.

Buttermilk powder is an awesome staple for preppers who bake but don't want an expiring carton of buttermilk in the refrigerator. Using buttermilk powder to give you the same creamy goodness of the traditional stuff is easy and you don't even need to reconstitute it. You can use powdered buttermilk with the dry ingredients! Here's how to cook with buttermilk powder (and even make soap from it)... ---CONTINUED---