Suggested Prep Items for Students...

Knowing that your college student is prepared to handle an emergency, when they are not able to get home will give them and their family peace of mind.
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Suggested Prep Items for Students...

Post by Readymom »

          including married students and people in transient situations


Per person:

1. 10-12 gallons of water* (2 5- or 6-gal. jugs)
2. 2-week supply of food* (simple to fix and what is normally eaten and can be rotated)
3. Simple Survival Kit (for easy mobility and also for extended survival)
a. 3 days of non-cook food* (for example: granola bars, jerky, dehydrated fruit,
canned meats, power bars, fruit roll-ups, etc. --whatever you’d really eat)
b. 1 liter bottle of water* (*additional to other water and food in case you have to
relocate quickly)
c. sleeping bag and/or wool blanket
d. 1 complete set of clothes (including jacket)
e. flashlight and batteries
f. cup and spoon
g. work gloves
h. toiletries (soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb or brush, washcloth, small
towel, deodorant, razor, paper towels, baby wipes, feminine hygiene supplies,
infant supplies if needed)
i. porta-potty (or just a 5-gal. plastic bucket with lid) + sewage treatment chemical pack
j. 5 kitchen-size garbage bags for lining the porta-potty (1/family)
k. 1 roll toilet paper
l. basic first aid kit (1/family)
m. personal medications
n. glasses and contacts and solution
o. knife
p. matches
q. can opener
r. scissors
s. poncho
t. duct tape
u. plastic sheeting (like Visquine)
v. Clorox
w. scriptures
x. consecrated oil
y. addresses, phone numbers, and a family photo
z. cash and coins

Store all this in your porta-potty bucket and other buckets as needed.

4. You should always know where the staging area is for your apartment or house.
When you move, find out where your new one is.

5. You should know how and when to turn off all your utilities (gas, electric, water)
and what your landlord has to say about it.
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