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Tools to Forecast Weather

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 3:21 am
by Readymom

Fair or Foul? How to Use a Barometer to Forecast the Weather

Finding out the weather forecast these days is as easy as turning on the TV or checking your phone. That wasn’t always the case, though. In the hundreds of years before television and even radio, people used more rudimentary devices to predict what the skies would bring in the coming days.

One of those tools was the barometer. Once common in aircraft, ships, and ordinary households across the world, it predicts approaching weather by measuring changes in air pressure. While technological advancements have replaced the humble barometer in meteorological circles, they’re still fun to have at home and know how to read.

In this article we offer a primer on the history of barometers, how they work, and how to use one today to predict the weather. Barometers allow you to feel more connected to the natural forces at work outside your window, and free you from being completely reliant on those oft-wrong apps and local forecasts (studies have shown that local meteorologists inflate the chances for poor weather because it garners better ratings!) ---CONTINUED at LINK, above---

Re: Barometer

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 2:40 am
by Readymom
Image Hat Tip to 'dmwalsh568', over at EHP-D:

Easy Science for KIDS

Make Your Own Barometer

You probably have a thermometer somewhere in your house, but how about a barometer? You can predict the type of weather that’s coming by watching a barometer. This instrument measures the amount of air pressure. Low pressure systems usually mean rainy weather, while high pressure systems mean mild, cool weather. You don’t need to be a professional weather reporter to understand weather patterns. Below, you’ll learn how to make a simple weather barometer. ---CONTINUED---