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Aquaponics-A Gardening Alternative

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2018 5:13 pm
by Readymom

Complete Guide to DIY Aquaponics and Aquaponic Gardening

(SNIP) . . .This is a long and in-depth article, use the jump links below for quick navigation.

(SNIP) . . . Aquaponics is a type of gardening where plants and fish are grown together. Many of the concepts are taken from aquaculture and hydroponics.

However, aquaponics relies on the relationship between the fish and plants. You can’t have one without both working together in harmony. ---CONTiNUED---

Re: Aquaponics-A Gardening Alternative

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 3:46 pm
by Readymom

How To Build A DIY Aquaponics System For Food Self Sufficiency

Aquaponics is the ultimate solution to at home backyard food production.

It’s the smartest way to generate more food per square foot than a backyard garden alone.

It’s the answer to a prepared survivalist food production prayers.

The ability to add food to the table even in a long term disaster scenario.

But most people have never seriously looked into DIY aquaponics systems – which is a shame.

Self Sufficient Food Production
Why Is Aquaponics Anyways?
Why You Should Choose Aquaponics
The Science Behind Aquaponics
How To Plan Your First Aquaponics System
How To Build A DIY Aquaponics System
Taking Aquaponics To The Next Level

Re: Aquaponics-A Gardening Alternative

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2019 3:34 pm
by Readymom

How To Make A Year-Round Self-Sustaining Garden

Let me introduce you to aquaponic farming where fish and plants live in a combined ecosystem – mutually beneficial cycle, providing fresh local food that is free from pesticides and chemicals all year round.

It can be built in your back yard or indoors, hot or cold climate, even in the desert. Furthermore, with aquaponic farming, you can grow way more food with far less water wastage, less land, and less physical work as all job will be done by your fish. ---CONTINUED---

Re: Aquaponics-A Gardening Alternative

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:05 pm
by Readymom

What is Aquaponic Gardening?

(SNIP) ... Basically, aquaponic is a food production system. It combines aquaculture (raising animals such as fish, prawns or snails in water) with hydroponics (growing plants in water instead of soil). The goal of aquaponic is to create a fully self-sustaining system of food. ---CONTINUED---